giovedì 23 aprile 2009

Camera calibration and point reconstruction using DLT in python
Here you have some code for camera calibration and point reconstruction using DLT.
I've found it at the link above.

Here is an implementation of camera calibration and point
reconstruction using direct linear transformation (DLT) in python. I
intend to use that in my application with FloatCanvas.
After Larry Meyn's suggestion, the code uses Numpy and SVD for solving
the problem.
The code works for both 2 and 3 dimensional camera calibration and for
any number of views (cameras).
At the end of the code I show some simple examples (just run the code)
and I tried to comment it as much as possible. I know the code works
but probably it is not very pythonic and efficient. So, I'd appreciate
any comments and corrections to the code.

In relation to FC (actually to FC2), I will integrate this code in FC2
to find the world coordinates of points in an image after the camera
calibration step.
For a 2D case with only one view (camera), this transformation from
image projection to world (2D) coordinates (x, y) is just a 3x3
transformation (M) applied to the image coordinates (u, v) followed by
a scaling (see lines 153-158), so it would be easy to make this simple
use of DLT native in FC2.
Maybe FC2 could include the whole DLT calibration in its library; to
ensure it is correctly implemented and easy to use (I agree with Bob
Cunningham), or at least we could add it as an example in FC.
#file version .1
Camera calibration and point reconstruction based on direct linear transformation (DLT).

The fundamental problem here is to find a mathematical relationship between the
coordinates of a 3D point and its projection onto the image plane. The DLT
(a linear apporximation to this problem) is derived from modelling the object
and its projection on the image plane as a pinhole camera situation.
In simplistic terms, using the pinhole camera model, it can be found by similar
triangles the following relation between the image coordinates (u,v) and the 3D
point (X,Y,Z):
[ u ] [ L1 L2 L3 L4 ] [ X ]
[ v ] = [ L5 L6 L7 L8 ] [ Y ]
[ 1 ] [ L9 L10 L11 L12 ] [ Z ]
[ 1 ]
The matrix L is kwnown as the camera matrix or camera projection matrix. For a
2D point (X,Y), the last column of the matrix doesn't exist. In fact, the L12
term (or L9 for 2D DLT) is not independent from the other parameters and then
there are only 11 (or 8 for 2D DLT) independent parameters in the DLT to be

DLT is typically used in two steps: 1. camera calibration and 2. object (point)
The camera calibration step consists in digitizing points with known coordiantes
in the real space.
At least 4 points are necessary for the calibration of a plane (2D DLT) and at
least 6 points for the calibration of a volume (3D DLT). For the 2D DLT, at least
one view of the object (points) must be entered. For the 3D DLT, at least 2
different views of the object (points) must be entered.
These coordinates (from the object and image(s)) are inputed to the DLTcalib
algorithm which estimates the camera parameters (8 for 2D DLT and 11 for 3D DLT).
With these camera parameters and with the camera(s) at the same position of the
calibration step, we now can reconstruct the real position of any point inside
the calibrated space (area for 2D DLT and volume for the 3D DLT) from the point
position(s) viewed by the same fixed camera(s).

This code can perform 2D or 3D DLT with any number of views (cameras).
For 3D DLT, at least two views (cameras) are necessary.

There are more accurate (but more complex) algorithms for camera calibration that
also consider lens distortion. For example, OpenCV and Tsai softwares have been
ported to Python. However, DLT is classic, simple, and effective (fast) for
most applications.

About DLT, see:

This code is based on different implementations and teaching material on DLT
found in the internet.

import numpy as N

def DLTcalib(nd, xyz, uv):
Camera calibration by DLT using known object points and their image points.

This code performs 2D or 3D DLT camera calibration with any number of views (cameras).
For 3D DLT, at least two views (cameras) are necessary.
nd is the number of dimensions of the object space: 3 for 3D DLT and 2 for 2D DLT.
xyz are the coordinates in the object 3D or 2D space of the calibration points.
uv are the coordinates in the image 2D space of these calibration points.
The coordinates (x,y,z and u,v) are given as columns and the different points as rows.
For the 2D DLT (object planar space), only the first 2 columns (x and y) are used.
There must be at least 6 calibration points for the 3D DLT and 4 for the 2D DLT.
L: array of the 8 or 11 parameters of the calibration matrix
err: error of the DLT (mean residual of the DLT transformation in units of camera coordinates).

#Convert all variables to numpy array:
xyz = N.asarray(xyz)
uv = N.asarray(uv)
#number of points:
np = xyz.shape[0]
#Check the parameters:
if uv.shape[0] != np:
raise ValueError, 'xyz (%d points) and uv (%d points) have different number of points.' %(np, uv.shape[0])
if (nd == 2 and xyz.shape[1] != 2) or (nd == 3 and xyz.shape[1] != 3):
raise ValueError, 'Incorrect number of coordinates (%d) for %dD DLT (it should be %d).' %(xyz.shape[1],nd,nd)
if nd == 3 and np < nd ="=" xyzn =" Normalization(nd," uvn =" Normalization(2," a =" []" nd ="=" y =" xyzn[i,0]," v =" uvn[i,0]," nd ="=" z =" xyzn[i,0]," v =" uvn[i,0]," a =" N.asarray(A)" vh =" N.linalg.svd(A)" l =" Vh[-1,:]" h =" L.reshape(3,nd+1)" h ="" h =" H" l =" H.flatten(0)" uv2 ="" uv2 =" uv2/uv2[2,:]" err =" N.sqrt(" ls =" N.asarray(Ls)" ndim ="="> 1 and nc != Ls.shape[0]:
raise ValueError, 'Number of views (%d) and number of sets of camera calibration parameters (%d) are different.' %(nc, Ls.shape[0])
if nd == 3 and Ls.ndim == 1:
raise ValueError, 'At least two sets of camera calibration parameters are needed for 3D point reconstruction.'

if nc == 1: #2D and 1 camera (view), the simplest (and fastest) case
#One could calculate inv(H) and input that to the code to speed up things if needed.
#(If there is only 1 camera, this transformation is all Floatcanvas2 might need)
Hinv = N.linalg.inv( Ls.reshape(3,3) )
#Point coordinates in space:
xyz = Hinv,[uvs[0],uvs[1],1] )
xyz = xyz[0:2]/xyz[2]
M = []
for i in range(nc):
L = Ls[i,:]
u,v = uvs[i][0], uvs[i][1] #this indexing works for both list and numpy array
if nd == 2:
M.append( [L[0]-u*L[6], L[1]-u*L[7], L[2]-u*L[8]] )
M.append( [L[3]-v*L[6], L[4]-v*L[7], L[5]-v*L[8]] )
elif nd == 3:
M.append( [L[0]-u*L[8], L[1]-u*L[9], L[2]-u*L[10], L[3]-u*L[11]] )
M.append( [L[4]-v*L[8], L[5]-v*L[9], L[6]-v*L[10], L[7]-v*L[11]] )

#Find the xyz coordinates:
U, S, Vh = N.linalg.svd(N.asarray(M))
#Point coordinates in space:
xyz = Vh[-1,0:-1] / Vh[-1,-1]

return xyz

def Normalization(nd,x):
Normalization of coordinates (centroid to the origin and mean distance of sqrt(2 or 3).

nd: number of dimensions (2 for 2D; 3 for 3D)
x: the data to be normalized (directions at different columns and points at rows)
Tr: the transformation matrix (translation plus scaling)
x: the transformed data

x = N.asarray(x)
m, s = N.mean(x,0), N.std(x)
if nd==2:
Tr = N.array([[s, 0, m[0]], [0, s, m[1]], [0, 0, 1]])
Tr = N.array([[s, 0, 0, m[0]], [0, s, 0, m[1]], [0, 0, s, m[2]], [0, 0, 0, 1]])

Tr = N.linalg.inv(Tr)
x = Tr, N.concatenate( (x.T, N.ones((1,x.shape[0]))) ) )
x = x[0:nd,:].T

return Tr, x

def test():
#Tests of DLTx
print ''
print 'Test of camera calibration and point reconstruction based on direct linear transformation (DLT).'
print '3D (x, y, z) coordinates (in cm) of the corner of a cube (the measurement error is at least 0.2 cm):'
xyz = [[0,0,0], [0,12.3,0], [14.5,12.3,0], [14.5,0,0], [0,0,14.5], [0,12.3,14.5], [14.5,12.3,14.5], [14.5,0,14.5]]
print N.asarray(xyz)
print '2D (u, v) coordinates (in pixels) of 4 different views of the cube:'
uv1 = [[1302,1147],[1110,976],[1411,863],[1618,1012],[1324,812],[1127,658],[1433,564],[1645,704]]
uv2 = [[1094,1187],[1130,956],[1514,968],[1532,1187],[1076,854],[1109,647],[1514,659],[1523,860]]
uv3 = [[1073,866],[1319,761],[1580,896],[1352,1016],[1064,545],[1304,449],[1568,557],[1313,668]]
uv4 = [[1205,1511],[1193,1142],[1601,1121],[1631,1487],[1157,1550],[1139,1124],[1628,1100],[1661,1520]]
print 'uv1:'
print N.asarray(uv1)
print 'uv2:'
print N.asarray(uv2)
print 'uv3:'
print N.asarray(uv3)
print 'uv4:'
print N.asarray(uv4)

print ''
print 'Use 4 views to perform a 3D calibration of the camera with 8 points of the cube:'
L1, err1 = DLTcalib(nd, xyz, uv1)
print 'Camera calibration parameters based on view #1:'
print L1
print 'Error of the calibration of view #1 (in pixels):'
print err1
L2, err2 = DLTcalib(nd, xyz, uv2)
print 'Camera calibration parameters based on view #2:'
print L2
print 'Error of the calibration of view #2 (in pixels):'
print err2
L3, err3 = DLTcalib(nd, xyz, uv3)
print 'Camera calibration parameters based on view #3:'
print L3
print 'Error of the calibration of view #3 (in pixels):'
print err3
L4, err4 = DLTcalib(nd, xyz, uv4)
print 'Camera calibration parameters based on view #4:'
print L4
print 'Error of the calibration of view #4 (in pixels):'
print err4
xyz1234 = N.zeros((len(xyz),3))
L1234 = [L1,L2,L3,L4]
for i in range(len(uv1)):
xyz1234[i,:] = DLTrecon( nd, nc, L1234, [uv1[i],uv2[i],uv3[i],uv4[i]] )
print 'Reconstruction of the same 8 points based on 4 views and the camera calibration parameters:'
print xyz1234
print 'Mean error of the point reconstruction using the DLT (error in cm):'
print N.mean(N.sqrt(N.sum((N.array(xyz1234)-N.array(xyz))**2,1)))

print ''
print 'Test of the 2D DLT'
print '2D (x, y) coordinates (in cm) of the corner of a square (the measurement error is at least 0.2 cm):'
xy = [[0,0], [0,12.3], [14.5,12.3], [14.5,0]]
print N.asarray(xy)
print '2D (u, v) coordinates (in pixels) of 2 different views of the square:'
uv1 = [[1302,1147],[1110,976],[1411,863],[1618,1012]]
uv2 = [[1094,1187],[1130,956],[1514,968],[1532,1187]]
print 'uv1:'
print N.asarray(uv1)
print 'uv2:'
print N.asarray(uv2)
print ''
print 'Use 2 views to perform a 2D calibration of the camera with 4 points of the square:'
L1, err1 = DLTcalib(nd, xy, uv1)
print 'Camera calibration parameters based on view #1:'
print L1
print 'Error of the calibration of view #1 (in pixels):'
print err1
L2, err2 = DLTcalib(nd, xy, uv2)
print 'Camera calibration parameters based on view #2:'
print L2
print 'Error of the calibration of view #2 (in pixels):'
print err2
xy12 = N.zeros((len(xy),2))
L12 = [L1,L2]
for i in range(len(uv1)):
xy12[i,:] = DLTrecon( nd, nc, L12, [uv1[i],uv2[i]] )
print 'Reconstruction of the same 4 points based on 2 views and the camera calibration parameters:'
print xy12
print 'Mean error of the point reconstruction using the DLT (error in cm):'
print N.mean(N.sqrt(N.sum((N.array(xy12)-N.array(xy))**2,1)))

print ''
print 'Use only one view to perform a 2D calibration of the camera with 4 points of the square:'
L1, err1 = DLTcalib(nd, xy, uv1)
print 'Camera calibration parameters based on view #1:'
print L1
print 'Error of the calibration of view #1 (in pixels):'
print err1
xy1 = N.zeros((len(xy),2))
for i in range(len(uv1)):
xy1[i,:] = DLTrecon( nd, nc, L1, uv1[i] )
print 'Reconstruction of the same 4 points based on one view and the camera calibration parameters:'
print xy1
print 'Mean error of the point reconstruction using the DLT (error in cm):'
print N.mean(N.sqrt(N.sum((N.array(xy1)-N.array(xy))**2,1)))


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